Geordieland Gundogs

Our Bitches



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Breeding Bitches - Code of Ethics


· We will ensure that our whelping facilities accord with best practice.

· We will give careful consideration to all health issues, temperament and soundness before breeding from our dogs.

· We will ensure that all breeding stock is Kennel Club registered.

· We will not breed from a bitch in any way which is detrimental to the bitch or breed.

· We will endeavour to find out whether there are any possible inherited conditions that may affect our bitches (e.g. hip dysplasia and eye conditions etc.) and if a bitch is found to be unsuitable we will not breed from said bitch.

· We will not breed or allow more than six litters to be bred from our bitches.

· We will not allow a bitch under 18 months old to be mated.

· We will not breed or allow a bitch to be bred from, if it has already reached the age of eight years at the date of whelping.

· We will only breed from an approved breeding plan and will plan ahead of each mating so as to ensure that each puppy produced will be bred in the best possible environment.

· We will accept responsibility for all puppies which we have bred, and make ourselves available to give advice, help and information to new owners.

· Before breeding from our bitches, we will check with our veterinary surgeon that they are in a fit and healthy condition.

· Details of approximate puppy prices and more detailed information on our dogs will be made available to those who request it.

· Before breeding from our dogs we will acquaint ourselves with the Kennel Club Rules and Regulations on registering litters and the registration system in general.

· A Guide to Litter Registration can be obtained from the Geordieland Gundogs.